
artbooksearch.com lists information about books that can be purchased from bookshops around the world. It doesn't offer, sell or deliver any books listed on the site. We work hard to make sure that the information presented on the site is complete and accurate. But we don't take responsibility if this information is not accurate, complete or current. We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on the site. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.

Affiliate Disclosure: We may earn a small commission from referring you to bookshops using affiliate partnerships at zero cost to you. No book information of any kind is affected by these relationships: not the price, order of display, nor other details. We would never falsely represent a service just to receive an affiliate commission. You should assume that every external link that you click on our website is an affiliate link. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these external wesites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective policies.

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Any use of this site will be construed as acceptance of these terms.

For any questions regarding the desclaimer please contact: artbooksearch [at] proton.me

Last updated: 04/24/2023

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artbooksearch.com does not store any information about individual users and does not use cookies. The site logs requests but this information is only analyzed in aggregate. We may use this information to improve operations, to further enhance the website and services offered on it, for purposes of research and development, for statistical purposes, to troubleshoot in the event of technical difficulties, and to generate reports. We may provide or sell information about patterns of searchrequests or most popular searches. However, this information is anonymous, it will not be associated with any browser or user. We are not currently selling or considering selling such information. And we don’t share any personally identifying information publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law.

artbooksearch.com doesn't offer books listed on the site, it is a collection of links to external websites of bookshops. When you click a link to a bookshop, you are directed away from our site and arrive at the bookshops website. That bookshop may have privacy policies that differ from those of artbooksearch.com. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these external websites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies. The bookshop may track clicks from artbooksearch.com to their website via an affiliate code that enables artbooksearch.com to receive a small commission for completed sales.

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This policy may be updated, but it will only affect data collected after the update. For any questions regarding the privacy policy please contact: artbooksearch [at] proton.me

Last updated: 04/24/2023